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Basics of Accounting
  • Get financially literate - enhance your professional abilities!
  • Watch and learn with online videos - Read and learn with downloadable reading materials
  • Course materials created by practising professionals
  • Test yourself anytime, anywhere

This is not your typical accounting course! Even if you have taken an accounting course you will find the course useful. This course will enhance your ability to interpret economic activity and financial transactions. You will also be able to communicate more effectively and take better decisions in business and professional contexts.

Who should take this course?

  • You are a business owner and you need a better understanding of how the numbers are put together.
  • You are a manager and deal with accounting staff, bookkeepers, owners and subordinates. You hear accounting terms daily but you want to know more about what accounting means.
  • The concepts of credit and debit
  • Practical understanding of various books of accounts
  • Basic concepts of accounting such as accounting period, measurement concept, and conservatism
  • Understand cash and accrual basis of accounting
  • Concepts like identifying assets and liabilities, depreciation, inventory and more
  • How to prepare a profit and loss account and a balance sheet

A standard Internet/data connection along with a computer/laptop/smartphone/tablet is enough to get you started!

In addition to topic wise practice questions, this course offers a Course Completion Test (CCT). To qualify for the CCT, a learner has to complete 100% of the course. The CCT is conducted online to provide maximum flexibility to the learner. Based on the results of the CCT, a learner will be given a certificate of completion or a certificate of excellence.

UNIT 1: Introduction to Accounting
UNIT 2: Debits and Credits
UNIT 3: Books of Accounts
UNIT 4: Process for Making Accounting Entries
Process for Making Accounting Entries (Part 1)
Process for Making Accounting Entries (Part 2)
UNIT 5: Books of Prime Entry and Ledgers
Books of Prime Entry and Ledgers - I (Part 1)
Books of Prime Entry and Ledgers - I (Part 2)
Books of Prime Entry and Ledgers - II (Part 1)
Books of Prime Entry and Ledgers - II (Part 2)
UNIT 6: Basic Concepts Underlying Accountancy
UNIT 7: Assets and Liabilities
Assets and Liabilities (Part 1)
Assets and Liabilities (Part 2)
UNIT 8: Depreciation and Inventory
Depreciation and Inventory - I (Part 1)
Depreciation and Inventory - I (Part 2)
Depreciation and Inventory - II (Part 1)
Depreciation and Inventory - II (Part 2)
UNIT 9: Trial Balance
Trial Balance (Part 1)
Trial Balance (Part 2)
UNIT 10: Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet - I (Part 1)
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet - I (Part 2)
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet - II
  • You will learn how to record financial transactions in the double entry system of accounting
  • You will understand the types of accounts, the types of accounting entries, and the types of books of accounts and ledgers to be maintained
  • You will understand profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and concepts like depreciation, inventory and more
  • You will be able to better understand and analyse financial transactions
More Learning Options
TallyPrime - I
TallyPrime - I
4-6 Hours
Competition And Antitrust
4-6 Hours
Anti-bribery And Corruption
Anti-bribery And Corruption
2-3 Hours
Collaboration & Teamwork
1-2 Hours
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